Her vision in latest love stream
In her latest video, she is telling us all her tips for keeping a clean home.
First timer looking for advice
I think she’s doing videos in the dark to (unsuccessfully)hide Leon. And she adds some modesty to a Plexus ad.
Amber's worst fear revealed
A collection of pictures of Amber making this strange, rage-filled face.
Four Years of Wiping
Twikie leaping off the chair so she doesn't get sat on
A lump on Twonk has quadrupled in size., but it’s fine cos 7 YEARS AGO a vet said it’s fine… Rarity disappears and has no microchip to ID her… but it’s fine cos THE OTHER ANIMALS are OBSESSED with her.
Happy birfday from Cara
Ambers neck without the choker
Theory after watching ambers vlog today - someone reached out to the father of emilys child
Something reminded me of Jillpm’s sister Lisa writing a bad novel and the reviews are abysmal. I think the reviewers were expecting it to be awful and only read it because she’s related to Jill, but I appreciate not having to read it myself.
Please help me identify this coral/hot pink yarn!
Contents of my everyday bag
Just watched this video by Hectic Llama
This sums up who all her fans are. In case anyone is wondering
OMFG BECKS NEW KK VIDEO.. confirmed wiping 🧻 ALR for yearrrrrs.. who wipes her now?
anxious about bleeding after injection & eating leftover rice, but not anxious about being 600lbs
Hugo, my 1 year old apricot mini poodle 🐩
hey remember when amber blamed beck for her cancer?
Gave Mahmo a few new hairstyles.
Zoe - Ash’s Ex SIL - speaks out on LIVE : Recap ⭐️
“I won beauty pageants”