Were you required to take a drug test before getting hired?
Proposed North Carolina bill would change college degree requirements
Just got humiliated in my calculus class and I don’t wanna go back.
People who knew celebrities before they made it big, who was it and what were they like?
Teaching for a long time has changed me completely
If a parent of a child has type 2 diabetes is it 100% guaranteed that the child will inherit the genetic predisposition?
14 year olds in college
What’s a random “life hack” you swear by, even if no one believes it works?
Did Marriott Pillows Go Down In Quality?
What does this mean?
Wife won’t let child get any basic vaccinations - parenting conflict without resolution
I'm getting heavy 1984 vibes right now. The Yuppies killed the 60s. It feels like that backlash again.
Anybody has been victim of graduate student accusations?
Is it normal to get locked out of your CC email account -- without warning -- bc you haven't had a recent assignment?
Do you have students in your classes who were homeschooled? How do they do?
Anyone else struggling with feeling of impending doom?
Can I leave early [each week]?
Teaching in a new building and it's got me anxious
People who moved from cities to small towns, what was the biggest culture shock?
What's something you believe but can't prove?
What are yinz all doing to procrastinate prepping for the semester?
Advice: applying for first adjunct position
How often do students ask if they can skip your lectures for the entire semester?
Watch died after 32 months