How many hours do you work?

I'm almost a year into my first corporate "desk" job doing operations. I was previously a barber for 10 years.

Barber world is all about maximizing your productivity. I would often be 95%-100% booked and had zero down time during my work day. I always assumed a desk job would be very strict.

I have adhd and I vape nicotine. Lately I've settled into this routine.

10am-noon: meetings/work Noon-1pm: lunch break 1pm-3pm: work 3pm-3:30/4pm: break 3:30/4pm-6pm: work

Lately the entire first 2 hours is meetings so no true "work" is being done. I'm finding I really cannot be productive for more than about 2 hours at a time. My coworkers will take a break by sitting at their desk and playing with their phone. I really prefer to go outside so I can get some sunshine and hit my vape.

No one has seemed to have any problem with this and my boss has joked with me in the afternoon about me going out for my sun break. I haven't mentioned the vape.

I almost feel guilty like I should stay at my desk. Is this normal? How much actual work are you guys doing in a day? Should I outright ask if this is okay with my boss? Any advice welcome.