Champagne like Dom Perignon
We had something big to celebrate last week, so I went a little overboard and bought a bottle of Dom Perignon 2015. It was fantastic. In my eyes, it was the most pure, perfect example of champagne I have possible had ever.
We both drink quite a bit of wine, are both WSET certified and fairly critical of our wines. Champagne has never been our biggest favorite (still wines might still be more our favorite). As for sparkling, we often go for Corpinnat as this is our budget-favorite sparkling category.
However, as I said, the Dom Perignon was fantastic. So now I am on the hunt to find similar champagne that is more affordable. What can you recommend that is similar in flavor profile?
DP was around 250€, but tips for the categories €40-75 and €75-125 would be grand!