Diamond is materially indistinct from gold
I have no idea what it is but i stg the teammates i get in diamond 3 actually play like gold players. Cannot tell you how often im the only person on my team positive on kd, trying to rotate for objectives and bailing my teammates out, only for them to still take fights for no reason and int (almost always right before, not during, objectives for whatever reason) despite me begging them to just farm and not fight. Begging them to retreat from the enemy nexus when its 3v2 (2 is enough to fend off single waves at nexus) and go for baron or elder instead. BEGGING my jg not to invade as mid and bot are clearly heading toward him. Begging my yi/akali/yes, even (especially) viego to stop trying to 1v5
But no use. I dont know what it is about wr that breaks peoples mental so easily but one tower gone and everyone forgets how the game works. And dont get me wrong, im not talking about getting steamrolled cuz you have an adc top and a serafine jungle or something stupid. Im talking about just losing a little, then into snowball losing because teammates mentals are destroyed by the enemy varus is 7/1 by the 8 minute mark.
Its so frustrating and im really starting to think this problem is not a rank issue, but a product of game design because wild rift hands out power to every champ so easily, everyone wants to be the main character, and when they arent, this shit happens.
Solution: nerf literally every stat of every champion by 50% to teach wr players some fucking patience or something because as is, this shit is not sustainable for the long term health of the game (not that riot cares until it affects lux skin sales)