Is Yakuza style gameplay quest mode feasible? Is it too much work/effort ?
I didn't know how to start off this post at first, but here we go. I've been a fan of vf since 2007 (which doesn't say much since I've only been in since the "last" major entry) and played yakuza on and off since it's ps2 days. I've always been a fan of "that" style of gameplay i.e. very diverse game mechanics and interactions yet limited in scope. (beat down streets of vengeance come to mind).
I understand (and support) the effort of keeping Virtua Fighter a technical fighting game first and foremost. However, I wanted to ask the community how would you react if we got this sort of approach to single player content? Would it take too much effort ? Take away too much resources from developing and evolving the classic formula ? I do not want my beat 'em up taste to push for something the core community opposes because I've had outsiders come and ruin franchises because they do not understand the appeal. Although a technical beat 'em up game (like sifu but less gimmicky and deeper) will have no competition on the market so it might be worth exploring (urban reign anyone ?).