Feeling from new player

i'm a new WoW player, and I recently leveled an Orc Hunter to level 11 (13 hours of playtime). However, I didn’t really enjoy the experience of having a pet that’s supposed to tank while I deal damage from a distance. Whenever I DPS, I end up pulling aggro and have to switch to melee, which is kind of frustrating as a distance player.

Another thing that frustrated me is the lack of a clear "main quest" (like the red quest in FFXIV). I never really know where to go, when to move to the next city, or which quests to accept. I had found a combo of TomTom and an addon with a directional arrow (saw it on Reddit, but I can’t find the post anymore). It was supposed to guide me, but I feel like the addon isn’t very optimized—or maybe I’m just not using it correctly (felt buggy for me, making me walk a lot Wich felt unoptimized)

That said, I want to give the game another chance, maybe as a Priest this time. Do you have any advice for a beginner on the Horde side? Did anyone else feel the same way when starting out? Or maybe twow (or classic in general) is just not for me ...?

Thanks in advance for your responses and tips