The community ...

I'm not young by any means and I've played on my fair share of retail and private servers. There is a point after seeing all that goes on in wow that makes you cringe. When the senseless BS starts creeping into /1 general chat channels and yells. I expect it in world chat but not busting at the seems everywhere. And it is overdone. It is constant. In the US evening, world chat has no redeeming qualities. Then there is the constant to an abusive point of yelling for head in the city. And it isn't innocent, it is taken to the perverted level. I feel sad for a family who tries to play together or someone raising young kids. And I say this because a few times I have experienced unwarranted, unprovoked direct sexual harassment from other characters.

Then the greed. I have watched where more and more the raids are taking everything they can possibly take. HR everything not nailed down, why? Because it can be sold. I've done raid leading, the whole thing with no help. I enjoy it, I have a conscious. I know there are people on here who can't play all hours of the day. Who want to ENJOY the game. Those people don't have a lot of gold and then have no access to get items as a dungeon/raid drop so it becomes a barrier to entry. Enjoyment goes out the window. Do we really live in a society, in a game community where we care not for other players? Is it really all about 'everything I can get'? You enjoy getting gear drops, wouldn't you think others enjoy it too?

I'm quite sure I'm in the minority. But I can see this as a poison to the server. Where do we go from here? What will it look like after a few months? Surely and silently people are walking away, choosing to do something else for their enjoyment. We all make choices and are responsible for those choices. Do you love playing Turtle wow? Then think how your actions help or hurt the community. Because one day, it might either be gone or an empty shell of what it use to be. People come here to relax and spend time having fun, is that being hindered?