Light isn’t the problem anymore, it’s the players
I’ve been flexing to light for a while now and after a hundred hours it’s finally clicked to me
Light has so much team play potential that barely anyone taps into, everyone just uses its gadgets for cheap kills
Don’t use your stun gun on a random guy, use it to stop a revive or a cashout steal
Drop your flash bangs/ smokes for glitch grenades to shut down the defenses of mediums and heavies to help your team out
Please whip out gateways to help your team move stuff quickly (cash box , coins, etc) you’re gonna thank me
Stop taking useless 1v1s when you can flank the team instead and hurt them while they focus on your team (I.e. I circle around the inner parts of the cathedral in Monaco to scout and then run down to damage the enemy team pushing my team helping them win the fight)
Stop moving while cloaked and hiding in corners, enemies check those first, instead cloak near a cashout and stun the guy with the cash box to give your team deposit money
Again stop being hyper aggressive and running in headfirst into a site, only to die to a million mines that you couldn’t care less about
And biggest of them all STOP DYING FIRST, if you the light die first in a fight you have basically thrown the entire engagement, unless it was cause of something unexpected like a heavy coming in from the sky to slam you from nowhere
Simply put you can clutch a fight easily, chucking frags and sniping at the objective with an lh1 from a place they don’t notice is a strat folks just don’t wanna be privy to
Now of course this info will never reach those cashout light dwellers since frankly they just like getting kills, but for those who do want to flex to light (or main it) please use my advice, your team will absolutely love you for being a team player