Just because it’s not a problem for you doesn’t mean it isn’t for someone else
Everyone’s seen it, a post complaining about a somewhat niche issue and the first comment ratios the post and it’s something along the lines of “lmao just get good” expressed via image or text
Simply put comments like that are just utterly useless, and serve zero purpose other than making sure whatever niche issue OP complained about is not addressed, and sometimes it’s not even over niche issues at all they just wanna mess with OP
“Man I don’t like fighting rubies as a silver”
“lol get used to it there’s not enough players do you want 40 minute queue times? I mean I’m hard stuck plat and I absolutely demolish rubies just lock in clearly you’re silver for a reason” times this by X400
“Man I don’t like how hard the barricade is to place down”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about barricade is super easy to place down” they say when op is clearly hinting at moments when your barricade refuses to go down cause there’s a teeny tiny piece of rubble in the way
And on and on, you get it, comments like this are often either rage bait or people who just haven’t/ ignore whatever issue OP talks about and put it down cause “they dealt with it easily”
Look if you’re someone who posts comments like this when it’s really not necessary (unless it’s a post complaining about the effing akms recoil) you should very much stop
it makes you very brain dead and gives off the vibes of a ketamine addicted prick imo
(Good job for everyone who doesn’t act all high and mighty and engages in actual discussion )