So let me get this straight.

I'm still processing this so I'd like to see how everyone else is dealing with it. I am a European but I feel like being on reddit I am bombarded with American politics wether I like it or not and well, at this point I'm invested.

So, at the US presidents inauguration, who is called and pretty much is "the leader of the free world", that should tell you how massive and serious this position is, you had a billionaire do a NAZI SALUTE after his manbaby speech and NOTHING is happening?? Nothing??

It's quite often that I lose hope for our future these days but the fact that he pretty much got away with it puts the nail in the coffin for me that Americans are now powerless, or have been conditioned so hard, that for the next 4 years you'll let so many more "nazi salute" moments come and go with no reaction.

I am saddened and upset.

Edit: To address the reddit is a bubble comments. I know. I even posted in another sub that Trump would won before the election, cause that whole Kamala is great thing felt too staged and unearned and I got removed for it. All I am saying in this post is that I would not expect a Nazi salute to be taken so lightly by any modern country.