Aww ..your hoodie crinkle?🙇‍♂ī¸

Lmao I promise nobody cares but the youngins on here who found salem through copycats tryna start a wave. Sell it idiot lmao you'd easily get your money back plus some đŸ¤Ļ‍♂ī¸ 🗑 'I regret buying it' 'Can I get a refundd?' Some bitches lolololol

Save it

This sub used to be quiet and chill af but now it's more babies cryin about shippin, low quality n how can I order one n wah wahhh ..all I see now

Yall obviously never bought merch before it's always 'cheap' limited and overpriced. Wouldn't make sense otherwise 🤷‍♂ī¸