Endless "complaining in advance"
Obligatory: English isn't my first language, sorry if i get any terms wrong.
My (30M) wife (30F) is "complaining in advance" a lot since we started to live together a month ago. By "complaining in advance", i mean she will complain i will say something before i even say it.
For example, i will see she has a used plate by her side for more than 3 hours and take it to the sink for her. While i am doing it, she will look at me and say: "Go on, say again you do most of the housework". Which is indeed something i said in the past, but never repeatedly or as some kind of accusation, i always tried to talk about this to her in a calm manner after the fact and with the intent of a fair relashionship between us. That's one example out of a hundred.
It is like she is always expecting the worse from me. I tried talking to her directly about it, how it makes me feel really unconfortable how she is constantly complaning about things i will say before i even say it and how it makes me feel like she is always expecting the worse from me. She says she will try to stop doing it and tell me directly if i ever say something she doesn't like so i can work on it, but goes immediatly back at doing it the next day.
What should i do? I love her and i am trying my best to be a good husband and have a loving marrige, and this constant "complaning in advance" is really getting in the way of that.