How much do PC’s actually cost?

I’m looking into buying/building my first tower. I know next to nothing about computers and I’m wondering if it’s more worth it to try and build something or just buy something with a $2,500 budget. Most pc building companies I’ve looked into I’m told aren’t worth what they’re cost but I also don’t want to just buy something that looks/seems good that’s cheaper and possible lose out on quality since I don’t know hardly anything about specs. I recently started streaming/making videos and I want to be able to dual stream to YT and Twitch but my gaming laptop I’ve had since senior year of HS works great for just playing games but it’s a quite slow when editing and can’t stream to both without things getting bad. (my friend bought a $400 laptop last year for school and it edits so much faster, but he can’t run some games that I run perfectly fine) So would I be able to get something really good that I can just buy or make for streaming/gaming/editing

TL;DR With a $2,500 budget is it better to build or buy a computer that can stream to 2 platforms, and game at once and also edit videos well? What specs would be oof for that sort of thing, and what are some pre-builds that could work or what could I build to optimize it as best as possible for what I want to do?

(Also I can go up to 3k if necessary for what I want but would also be ecstatic if I could spend less than the 2,500 I’m willing to pay for what I want)