Lost in Random has a lot of heart but needed something more to reach its potential.

TL;DR + Recommendation at the end

The Stats

  • 1 playthrough
  • Played on Xbox One
  • 20 hours playtime

What is it?

Lost in Random is primarily a dialogue-driven adventure game with a smaller focus on deckbuilding and third-person combat. In the downtrodden land of Random ruled by an iron-fisted queen, every 12-year-old child rolls the Queen’s dice to see which of 6 towns they will live in for the rest of their lives. You play as Even, a young girl living in Onecroft with her sister, Odd. When Odd turns 12, rolls the dice, and moves to Sixtopia to live with the Queen, Even runs away from home and sets out on a journey to rescue her. Early in the story, Even gains a dice herself and uses its power to fight the Queen’s robot army and affect great changes in the chance-based world around her.

Exploration is mostly linear, befitting the narrative focus, with some areas opening up for optional conversations and side quests. Most NPCs offer details about the current town, wacky vignettes about their personal life, or bits of info to expand the worldbuilding. Side quests are marked with a ‘?’ while the main quest is marked with a ‘!’, making it easy to know how and when to progress.

In addition to her dice, Even also has a deck of 15 magic cards she uses to fight. Cards are sorted into 3 types: Damage (weapons), Hazards (other forms of damage), and Cheats (status / unique effects). Cards have an associated cost; the better the card, the higher the number Even must roll to use them. Some cards are received as quest rewards or by progressing the story, but most are bought through the a traveling shop with coins. Coins are rewards, but are also found in secret stashes or breakable jars Even can shoot with her slingshot.

Even begins each battle with no offensive options and must hit crystals that grow on enemies with her slingshot for them to drop energy. Once enough energy has been collected, Even can stop time and throw her dice. Combat is a cycle of gaining draw energy, rolling the dice, and using cards.The higher the number, the more cards Even can play, deducting the card’s cost from her roll. Even also has a dodge to avoid attacks which turns into a blink dodge if timed right as an enemy attacks.


+++ Art style. Super unique, if intentionally a bit creepy. Some Tim Burton stop-motion or Psychonauts-era Double Fine vibes where everything tends toward the grotesque and is a bit dirty and worn. Characters have wild proportions and body shapes, lots of sharp teeth, spindly limbs, and odd mouths. Environments are equally fantastical, distorted, and grimy, though never off-puttingly so.

+++ Voice work really sells the characters. Even, the Narrator, Mannie, and most key NPC’s have lots of personality shining through their VA’s performance. It was downright delightful hearing them work!

++ I love the Narrator.  Besides his kindly grandpa voice, he’s a great source of emotion, information, and humor. He not only narrates, but voices his opinions and occasionally interacts with events.

++ Good humor that (mostly) lands. I’ll compare the amount of humor and how it’s delivered to a good point-and-click adventure game. Maybe not quite the heights of a purer comedy like Monkey Island, but I still wanted to talk to every NPC just to see what they would say. There’s also some genuinely clever 4th wall breaks.

++ Writing is delightful. Walks that line of entertaining weirdness between being too tame to be interesting and too out-there to be palatable. Nails a particular niche of children’s fiction where the world would be horrifying if explored in great detail, but remains a charming oddity as the setting for a breezy children’s tale.

+ Equal parts focus on story, combat, and just exploring the world. Honestly, feels more like a point-and-click adventure games at times with conversations and chains of talking to off-the-wall characters.

+ Combat is solid. Lower skill floor, but with some strategic depth in the cards and planning around the random rolls. Players who have experience with deckbuilders or roguelikes won’t find anything surprising, but what’s here is good and opens up opportunities for newer players.

+ Most dialogue is skippable. There’s a lot to get through, so if a particular character isn’t interesting to you, then you can skip right on by.

+ Storybook pages are delightful. A+ illustrations for the optional storybook page collectibles. 


- - - Fade to black before and after every cutscene and dialogue. It’s most common before and after talking to NPCs where the impact is minimal. But major story scenes that swap between dialogue, cutscene, and combat suffer the most with constant interruptions. 8 fade to blacks in the middle of a boss battle completely undercuts all tension. I have a feeling it’s a technical necessity rather than an artistic choice.

- - Some story beat conclusions feel rushed, especially individual town arcs. Threedom’s arc ends rather abruptly, especially with the buildup up the antagonist. Fourburg’s arc starts and ends a bit haphazardly, with the primary antogonist having no real buildup or explanation. Fivetropolis has plenty of buildup for the Dream Card, then it ends up being a generic mcguffin to ward off the queen and transport Even to the final area. The buildup is usually good, the writing is good, the designs are there; it just doesn’t answer enough of the question ‘why’ and rushes on to the next area without enough time to let everything sink in.

- - Card variety, and therefore combat strategy, drops off in the later half of the game. Once I hit about the halfway point, I had access to most every card in the game and had settled on a working strategy. There really wasn’t any incentive for me to experiment, especially with the card balance and menu UI standing in the way.

- - Hazard cards seem underpowered. A hazard card that costs 2, even when used effectively, does significantly less damage than a weapon that costs 2 would do overall. This is somewhat offset by later battles requiring hazard cards to harm certain enemies, but it stills feels out of balance.

- Myriad of small technical issues. Nothing game breaking. Voice lines don’t skip ahead when the player skips text. When quitting the game, you get to see the entire world unload in stages. I had a unique NPC conversation play out twice near the end when it clearly wasn’t supposed to. Sometimes combat animations wouldn’t quite hit correctly. One boss kept repeating voicelines ad-nauseum and interrupted itself several times. Coins gathered via stash/jar look janky when spawning before flying to Even. I got stuck on level geometry a few times, though I always unstuck myself.

- Battle arenas can outstay their welcome. Battle arenas have a certain number of each enemy type that spawn in, but sometimes limits how many are live at once. So it’s possible to clear out a battle arena, then have to wait as you kill 3 more of a single enemy one after another. 

- Deckbuilding menu could use some work. I can’t see every card in my deck without scrolling despite there only being 15 cards. Even though the cards are sorted by quantity, cards of each quantity changes every time the pause menu opens (ie. all of the single cards are in a random order). It makes it difficult to keep track of what I have in my deck and strategize accordingly.

- Reused assets are everywhere, from NPCs to the environments. I genuinely applaud the amount of mileage they get out of the building blocks; it’s a triumph in frugality. Still, it would have been nice to see some more variety so that each town could really lean into its unique gimmick and quirks. Again, this seems like a time or funding issue.

- Camera takes a bit of getting used to. Free control with right stick, but drifts towards a focal point in narrative sections or the direction you move during exploration. Seemed to be more annoying in early stages, then loosen up and be more player-controlled as the game goes on. Might be a side effect of early portions being more railroaded.

- Loading screen tool tips spoil some minor reveals of worldbuilding and gameplay. Not major, no worse than any other game with tooltips. Though I do wish that games as a whole would move away from dropping leading tidbits on the loading screen. We’ve all consumed way too much fiction to not read between the lines and see what’s coming earlier than we need to.

- No closure with the bloobs. There’s 2 separate loading screen tips that hint there’s a mystery with the tiny creatures, but no payoff. They appear as a card later, is that it? What are the bloobs? WHAT ARE THE BLOOBS!?

My experience

I remember hearing a bit about Lost in Random when it launched, but it wasn’t until I heard it mentioned on Skill Up’s This Week in Video Games that I remembered to wishlist it and wait for a good time to pick it up. Fast forward a couple of years, and I finally did! I had the impression of Lost in Random being a good game but not a great one, so I went in expecting as much. 

The visual style immediately hooked me; picture-book grunge is not a common aesthetic, but it’s a fun one! As the story picked up and more key characters were introduced, the  narrative became the driving force to continue playing. I wanted to see what would happen next and what off-the-wall things that game would throw in. As combat was introduced, I could see there was potential but had a feeling it might be simpler than I wanted it to be as the game’s focus stayed on the story. 

I started noticing the cracks about the halfway point. Reused environmental assets and NPC models took a bit of the spark out of entering new areas, even if I understand and even praise how economical it is. Combat started to stagnate due to some of the crappies above, eventually becoming ‘the thing that happened in between the interesting bits’. While I still liked the story, writing, and characters, each town’s conclusion happened just a bit too quickly to really sink in and feel satisfying. I was still having fun, but I tempered my expectations for the second half. 

And it’s good that I did, because everything just kinda plateaued as the game came to a close. The last couple of areas had some high points and surprises, but also more subtle signs that corners were cut out of necessity. As everything came to a close, there was no real crescendo in any area other than the story. I finished the game generally satisfied, but wanting more. 

If I had to sum up my feelings in a single sentence, it would be: Outside of the narrative, no individual aspect of the game feels like it reached its potential. One on hand, that’s a shame; the foundation is here, everything just needed more juice. On the other hand, it’s a kind of compliment; I enjoyed what’s here and I want more of it, even if that may never come.

Recommend / TL;DR

Lost in Random is a genuinely unique game with a lot of charm and heart that everyone should at least give a look. I do recommend it, but with a caveat: play it if all you need is a good story, but understand that the rest really only exists to support that core. Experienced gamers may not be challenged or find anything new, but with the right mindset and expectations, Lost in Random is a real treat.