I hate my husband: Rant

Throwaway account.

Here is how this morning went.

630am I awake. He's been awake for 30 minutes

I go downstairs to make coffee. He's standing in the kitchen on his phone. Says nothing to me.

When coffee is done, I make my coffee and sit in the kitchen to drink it.

He leaves the house for work. Again, saying nothing.

He doesn't like me. And I don't like him. We won't get a divorce any time soon (kids and finances). It just sucks to live in a house with someone who doesn't care about me.

I just wanted to complain this morning. I don't need advice, just an ear.

He's can be such an unfeeling tool.



Anytime I try to talk to him about the lack of communication, he always says "What? Am I not communicating the right way?"

A little dig into the perpetual ick that is me being a perfectionist and expecting everyone to behave like I do (i.e. acknowledging your spouse with pleasantries when you greet them in the morning.

No, asshole, you are not even close to communicating the right way.