Names this sub accidentally ruined for you
I posted about needing a name ruined for me a week or so ago and this sub DELIVERED lol I had lots of fun with that.
But… was there ever a name you loved and then a simple comment on here managed to ruin it for you?
For me it’s Margot. I loved it so much, it was on the top of my girls’ list, but…
(click at your own risk)
scrolling through a thread YEARS AGO I read someone say they always think of the word ‘Maggot’ when they see or hear the name… Well, eff my brain, now I can’t unsee and unhear it.
If your name is Margot or your LO is a Margot, I’m sure it’s no issue at all and it still is a beautiful name. It’s like a trigger has been activated in my brain and now I can’t shut it off. It wasn’t even a super original or out-there comment, but it stuck with me 😭