What is your story and views ?
1 Why are you ex muslim or a doubter/skeptic ? Is it due to muslim country politics ? Due to hadith issues? Quran issues ? Epistemic issues ? Cultural and Muslim dogma ? Moral or scientific issues ? Etc
2 What is your view on the Prophet Muhammad ? Do you see him in a positive or negative way ? As a reformer ? Fraud ? Delusional ? Possible prophet ?
3 How do you view the Quran ? Do you find it still impacts your life ? How do you see it in comparison with the hadith or any other scripture?
4 Do you think you could revert back to believing in islam in the future ? Do you not miss being part of the religion and culture ?
5 What is your view on progressive interpretations vs traditionalist interpretations of Islam ?
6 Have you become atheist or retained some sort of belief in god and afterlife ? Do you believe religion is needed regardless of literal belief in it ?
7 How do you form moral judgements now in the absence of religion. What makes you say x is right or wrong ?