I Need to Rant about Charlie Minn and his documentaries

this topic has been somewhat discussed in this sub Reddit, but I just wanted to provide my insight. I watched his documentary about the Parkland school shooting a few months ago and was deeply disturbed of how he conducted interviews and his lack of professionalism. I know a lot of other people in the comments and reviews agreed with that statement. I thought he was incredibly insensitive towards the victims in his interview style. as somebody who has their degree in psychology, the way he conducted the interviews for this documentary in particular really struck a nerve with me as some of his questions seem like they were meant to be provoking for the victims families/the survivors of the tragedy. Trying to place the guilt on some of the survivors because their classmates took bullets for them, and they would be dead without the classmates doing that, for example.

Fast forward to today, I was browsing on Amazon prime I saw a documentary about the 1984 San Ysidro Massacre. I started watching it as I was familiar with this case and have seen the footage before, but about halfway through. I had to shut it off because the interviewer, who I didn’t realize until I exited the documentary, was the same one who created the Parkland documentary. People have argued that it does provide quality footage, which I don’t disagree about however, he plays the same card he did with the victims/survivors of the Parkland shooting with the victims of this massacre including the police. I would like to believe that he made this documentary in good faith, but I highly doubt it. To me it seems like he cares more about stirring the pot to create any press and possibly invoke feelings of shame and guilt to the survivors for his own exploitative gain.

From a psychology standpoint, he seems very detached from reality and is quite cold. He lacks empathy and that he’s doing this for his own gain and profit. I had to rant on here about this. He is deplorable and immoral.

anyways, if anybody has any good recommendations for documentaries about mass shootings NOT produced by Minn, I would love to hear about your recommendations.

I know this was a long rant, but I just felt the need to discuss it on this sub Reddit and providing my insight on these documentaries as they are gaining some more traction and from a psychological standpoint.