What are y'all doing?

It's absolutely wild to me that some of you come out here and trash talk or shame other players IN AN RNG BASED GAME. I know EVERY one of you who is at least lvl 15 has had games where you just don't get exactly what you need. Shoot, I've had games where I don't get legendaries till round 50. And yet we're out here telling people that they're bad at the game? Yes there's strategy to the game. Yes, sometimes you sell or use a guardian that would have been better used later in the game. But I don't know if you know, this is a TEAM GAME. You're opponent isn't your teammate, no matter how poorly they do. And if you're so invested in this game that you're trash talking your teammates, and then coming on reddit to complain, it sounds like you need to self reflect, and probably uninstall, because no one wants you as their teammate.