The theater where universes mean nothing
Hey all.
I've got a venue that I got hired on as the TD a few months ago has thrown me for a loop. Small rep lighting rig that has always fit into one uni. We started doing some rock and metal shows a couple weeks ago and I ran into a really weird issue with the added lights
If I had a light on 1/1 and I patched another light into 2/1. They would both fire when I fire the universe 2 light. I tried this on all universes, same thing
I had a couple ETC gateways in my personal kit so I hooked one up to run the additional lights and the issue was solved at least long enough to get through those shows
Called etc and they were stumped. The board is running uni 1 through ETCnet. So we presume there is a gateway up in the truss (can't access the truss physically untill we have the haunted house in here now cleared) but nothing shows up in concert.
When I discovered the issue I was running uni 2 from a hard-line port on the board that was going into a foh tieline. If I was running it hard-lined I had the issue. If I ran it through my gateway even in the same uni and address that I was having a issue with the problem was solved.
Any thoughts?
The attached photo is the only box I can see in the truss from the ground. It's not a box I've seen before but I am assuming it has something to do with the relay system we have.
Thanks for your help