Hot Take: ADC'S Should not be able to 1v1 a Tank(Here me out)
During this time every ADC player is up in arms saying their role sucks, ADCs are dog shit etc etc. Nothing is new about this, even when they were being played 3/5 roles on the rift ADC mains were complaining that their champs are weak.
However, now we are in a state where the crying is even more pronounced and am not gonna like Tank Items are OP especially MR ones(Cries in Mages) but when we look at each ADC post, and each ADC clip we see that complaints center around one thing;
Should an ADC be able to 1v1 a Tank. Now i can understand for the ADC mains who got used to have OP items and OP passives that allowed them to 1v9 on the rift but this is a flawed gameplay design.
When we look at how the ADC role is, ADCs are designed to be consistent DPS but where in this order of things does it give the ADC the divine right to be able to 1v1 a Tank?
In pro play and i know what you're gonna say Solo Q is different from pro play but we don't see the ADC walking up to the tank and being like let me rip you to threads.
No, the ADC is there alongside their other carry(usually mid) behind their top laner and jungle and they are dishing out consistent damage.
So why is it in Solo Q the ADC wants to 1v1 the entire rift? You would expect as the class being the most squishiest you wouldn't be taking unnecessary risk and you would be coordinating with your team to break down tanks and bruisers who are stacking Armor and HP.
Sure by yourself you're unable to-do so but this is a team game, it's not a solo power fantasy where you're all powerful Thanos.
All your role basically needs to be able todo is provide that armor pen that mages are naturally countered by and together you'll see the tank HP bar disappear but to expect that you by yourself should be able to delete an entire tank is just bad design.
In a world where an ADC can 1v1 a Tank that means in a team fight that Tank is basically a squishy as his role is meant to tank all damage from everywhere and if one role can just cut right through you like you had no armor then imagine what's gonna happen when you have 2 or 3 other champs dumping their load on you.
Overall, Do Tank Items need a nerf yes, especially MR items they have been busted since last year, do ADCs need a little bit of help yes they do should ADCs be able to 1v1 a Tank no.