I am quitting league
I love seeing and making fun of these posts, making comments like "skill issue" and roasting the poster, but now after 6 years it's finally my time. I'm Done playing this game. I was hard stuck silver 4 for the longest time and after reaching lvl 500 I finally hit diamond 4. Been bouncing around D4/D3 for a while now, Haven't climbed bc I wanted to learn adc(which you can't do in low elo because of bad supports), so whenever I dropped down I just went back to top lane to play top and start climbing again.
There's all the dopaminergic side effects as there are with any competitive online game. I'm not going to roast the toxic community or unbalancedness of the game bc I didn't get to diamond by playing a skilled champ (I'm a garen main). Anyway league is addicting in nature but that's okay, if you choose to use your time for league then it's your choice and there's nothing wrong with that, (Unless you decided to pick aniva support and use walls to troll ur adc you disgusting rat you deserve every negative thing that happens to you in your degenerate life). It's not just league, most competitive games come with negative mental/physical side effects, and I just have better things to do in life right now. No, I'm not done with gaming entirely, I still play social games like lethal company/SCP:SCL etc..
League takes a lot of time and effort to play and to climb and is designed to be addicting, the little dopamine spikes you get when you kill a cannon minion, or hit a power spike, or steal a drag/Penta etc.. I get it "Moderation is key" but you can't tell a smoker to stop smoking when they have a cigarette In their pocket all day. Now for all the "see ya next week" and "you're just burnt out comments", Burnout only exists if you don't enjoy what you're doing, and I enjoy playing league (Felt disgusted typing those words). League is a fun rollercoaster of dopamine and rage but I enjoy it. There's a reason I never gave up or got tired after 300+ games of silver. As for "See ya next week" comments I was top 200 in the destiny 2 pvp competitive playlist and in trials had way more hours on that game then I do on league but I didn't like the way the game direction was going so I quit a couple months before the final major DLC was released and haven't looked back since, so quitting league is a piece of cake.
That's it for me, after playing the game I have a newfound respect for people who can climb and stay fit/healthy like T1 and Dantes Considering how time consuming the game is. If you enjoy playing the game then enjoy it, I just have more important things to do in life and league is a massive time consumer. If you want to stop playing, simply find something else to fill your time with.