Discussion on shiv build
I probably should’ve made this sooner since it’s getting a huge nerf.
Some things I wanna point out
rage blade is still a bait. It doesn’t work with kaisa (read both passive carefully)
The only reason why rageblade is most played it’s because of the current shiv builds. So many champions that have problem with clearing lanes are going shiv
Now shiv builds are very good in higher elos because of tempo. Meaning you can get around map faster and have control.
If your team has shiv and enemy doesn’t; most of the time you will have tempo unless you’re doing something wrong.
You can easily scale to your 3 items core, but that doesn’t mean your late game is strong.
The right way of playing shiv is abusing tempo, and there are no point of you doing it if you’re low elo. All I see is people saying - I’m farming while my teammate is fighting! What should I do?
90% of the time anything below Diamond doesn’t know what to do after laning phase.
If you think you can rely on teammate and know what to do you can try this build and play it. If not always feel free to try the lethality build. Any other rageblade build literally sucks and play around rageblade autoing.