Who was your FIRST Skyrim character, and how did you play them?
It's a memorable experience to boot up a new game and grow attached to the character through which you are introduced to its universe. When I first entered The Elder Scrolls V's character creator in November of 2011, for my limited experience with creator menus at the time, I was impressed with its depth of options & variety. It took me a while to decide what kind of protagonist to craft since this was also my first Elder Scrolls game and I knew virtually nothing about the lore. Ultimately, the Dragonborn I controlled throughout my debut journey in Tamriel was pretty vanilla: A Nord male warrior type with overall well-rounded skills.
Inspired by my liking for romanticized fantasy depictions of Vikings, I played it safe to sculpt a pale-skinned, bright golden-haired, ocean-blue-eyed man of mildly above-average height, weight, and musculature. Since I can't provide an image, the closest resemblance I can describe is this: Picture Chris Hemsworth from the first MCU Thor movie with a single braid hanging down the side of his hair and a light amount of blonde fuzz around the chin & mustache regions. I'd later change his hair via Galathil "The Face Sculptor" in the Ragged Flagon to look more like Hemsworth's in Thor 2. I wanted a cool, powerful-sounding name blending medieval & Viking-esque vibes to spice up what looked like a very standard human. What I settled on was Slaire Remfyre (pronounced "Slayer"-"Rem"-"fire"). I don't know why I spelled it that way. I guess it was just to make it unique.
I didn't have a specific type of playstyle in mind back then, as I wanted the freedom to experiment. This was the character I made to essentially figure the game out BEFORE I committed to anything. So, I distributed my skill points fairly evenly between health, stamina, magicka, spells, melee, archery, smithing, alchemy, lockpicking, stealth, etc. The first skill tree I recall maxing out was smithing so I could craft as many outfits as possible to try them out. My favorites to date are Fine Clothes & Boots with gloves for just hanging out, black-toned Dawnguard Light Armor for low-level combat, and Heavy Nordic Carved Armor for major battles + bosses.
My approaches to combat were similarly conventional, a blend of: A) Sneaking with the bow (or crossbow) to pick off as many enemies as I could from a distance. Or, if I felt like getting up close & personal, B) Hitting hard with dual-wielding weapons or one weapon + an equipped spell. Once I unlocked decent conjurations, I'd often summon them to both have allies on the battlefield and add variety to make fights more entertaining. I didn't have a #1 favorite shout, as there were so many that offered different uses, but Fire Breath, Become Ethereal, Call of Valor, and Marked for Death were among those I tended to enjoy.
My current go-to weapons in close quarters are Dawnbreaker (my favorite one-handed sword; I was never big into the two-handed weapons), Dragonsbane, and the Mace of Molag Bal. While I'm not opposed to shields (My favorite being Spellbreaker), I typically prefer dual-wielding. My go-to archery weapons are the crossbow, Bound Bow, or Auriel's Bow (mainly because I like its appearance). My favorite summons are the Fire Atronach, Call of Valor-summoned hero, conjured Dremora Lord, Odahviing, or Durnehviir. I was never big into followers mainly because their A.I. could annoy me at points and I didn't want to risk them dying in combat (I sent all my favorite ones to the Blades as recruits; I only remember sending Lydia and Faendal).
Between all my characters over the years, I've done almost everything in the game at least once by now. While I did dabble into moral gray areas more than once during my time as Slaire (I'm not proud of what I did to obtain the Mace of Molag Bal, but I REALLY wanted it), I think I played him MOSTLY in accordance with my own ethics. From the beginning, I generally chose good paths over blatantly evil ones. I adopted two children (Lucia in Whiterun & Sophie in Windhelm) along with a pet (the stray dog, which I encountered in Winterhold), refused to become a vampire, destroyed the Dark Brotherhood, spared Paarthurnax (I did kill him once, in another playthrough as a different character), convinced Serana (still my favorite follower) to become human, won the civil war for the Stormcloaks, and did as many quests to help people as I could.
My first instinct in game-related choices is usually to try to do what I think is right. I've never found evil playthroughs particularly interesting, even when accounting for the rewards. I married Camilla in my first playthrough (after having to reload a save since I screwed up the wedding ceremony the first time) but ended up starting over to marry Sylgia who has remained Slaire's wife ever since. My favorite home (and favorite town in general) was in Whiterun. Since completing the majority of important quests in my first copy of Skyrim on Xbox 360, I've since recreated Slaire in the PS4 Legendary Edition and done it all over.
Feel free to share all the details of YOUR first Skyrim character and the memories you made!