How many weapons do you normally carry?
When you're about to start a quest and you're not sure what you'll encounter, or you're just traveling the wasteland... how many weapons do you carry with you? What do you normally carry?
I feel like my carry weight is always so high. My fiance looked at my weapons and he said, "well yeah, you have a ton of weapons."
I'm doing nuka world for the first time, lvl 60. It's tough. And, I'll admit, most of my guns are heavy. I don't do melee in this game, but I just found some cool bats with mods from the pack, so I might try it out.
How do you decide WHICH guns to carry?
EDIT: Wow, so many different responses here!
To clarify: I do not play on survival mode.... yet. I wanted one full play through on normal before I try that.
Also, I like to carry a variety of weapons because I don't want to not have the one that I need, should I come across an enemy I'm having trouble beating. My biggest problem is that I like heavy guns the most. If anyone has any suggestions on powerful lighter guns, I'm all ears!
Follow up question: my big problem is I need more carry weight. I'm at 320 and my guns take up most of that. I also have a lot of aid that I need to sort through. I like having all my nuka-whatever because they're all really useful. But they're 1 each, so I know I need to thin those down. Any other advice on how to carry more weight besides using power armor?