Trying to wrap my head around joining/creating a "midcore" static
I hate the term as much as you guys but hear me out.
Since August, I've been getting into raiding through the recent savage tier. I was a couple weeks late due to finishing MSQ but got the hang of the structure of learning fights, and joining statics.
It was fun and all to join a static and have fun but slowly came to realise my aspirations and drive to be a better player was clashing with the casual mentality of the group. It went in the gutter of course due to circumstances of everyone and being burnt out. I was originally pf'ing outside sessions and getting much quicker progression, getting both my first clears before the group.
It felt like I was shooting myself in the foot a bit for undermining how much I'm into raiding.
Ever since December, I've now gotten a group together, some friends and other people off advertising. It has gone hectic, with people being busy and raiding mentality not being the same but now we're on M4S and doing fine.
My issue here, and the dilemma I've been fighting for a while is, once the next tier drops, what can I do myself to get people in the same headspace as me? I'm probably the most dedicated to this shit and even after months of being on and off due to groups being much slower, I want to find and aim for quicker clears, actually study more, a bit more serious. I can't be hardcore especially with how new I am but I don't want it to be a waiting game.
I'll be making a new static before 7.2 and wondering what to aim for. Week 3-4? Parsing quicker? (I'm getting better parses but they're way late now due to still needing Weapon and late reclears) Should I try and not advertise casual and try mid core or should I say screw it and just pf week 1, get better and play solo?