I'm gonna try 6 again, here's why...

6 has fatal flaws I think we all can agree on. Once the game gets beyond the tutorial island the story goes nowhere, none of the characters we are supposed to be aiding and recruiting are likable or memorable at all, and the bad guy is is so disconnected from our gameplay he's virtually a non entity in the game. Oh and no skill trees was a terrible idea. This has stopped me from making much story progress every time I try to play, but honestly everything else I love. I feel the gun play is honestly the best feeling in the series, shotguns are very viable to main as the 2 best ones are almost sniper rifles when it comes to range. I love that poison is finally used as a weapon, can't believe it took so long for that to be introduced to the series. I love the world, I know most here find it too empty after 5 but I I actually like that, in 5 I never used the roads becuase there we too many damn enemies every 10 feet, so this was refreshing not to have to fight non stop. So I will try again, try to bite the bullet on the unlikable characters I have to help for the entire game. Wish me luck.