I don't know how to satisfy my family's expectation of me showing my love to them

I am (20M) the only child of my family, and collage holidays are the only times when I return to my hometown to see them. Naturally, they expect me to miss them so much that I would often have a smile on my face. The weird thing is, I don't feel I miss them. These days when I'm with my family, they don't think I love them anymore. That's because my feelings are not that high to just get a cup of coffee and have an enjoyable conversation; instead, I unconsciously think that we won't have a common and interesting topic to talk about, yet this kind of thoughts push me away from having a good time with anyone.

As an introvert, I love talking and laughing with others and that naturally makes me happy, but that's not the thing of top priority that fills my battery. This balance changes from time to time; but anyhow, when it comes to my family, I can't succeed on keeping that balance stable. Sometimes I see them as strangers, other times I see them as the ones that are closest to me, but they always say I am extremely cold. This dilemma makes me think that the reason behind all of this coldness is we have lots of memories where I experienced all kinds of innocent emotions, so they now feel like I'm guilty of them. It all has become too complicated to talk about.

While summarizing the situation, I could not explain my feelings and mindset completely, but I think this is a common dark deed every person experiences some time in their lives.

People, especially family, expect me to be warm without considering my personality; and I don't know how to satisfy their expectations, yet I don't feel and think like it.