Kovarex is complicated. But Kovarex is SUPER EASY when explained using "real world" concepts.

Hello, fellow engineers. I know many have always wondered about the spices and secret ingredients that make up the Kovarex Process of "magically" making more radioactive materials. I can imagine a fair few of you have already done some research into Breeder Reactors in "the real world" and know, yeah, that's just how it works, and have since moved on. But Destin from the Smarter Everyday YouTube channel has started a journey through the Nuclear Power Generation... stuff... and has produced an amazing and simple-to-follow mock-up of just what the Kovarex process is. It's mostly related to Factorio, and I thought it would be a fascinating watch for those who didn't yet know about or have seen this episode. Check it out at the link here. I hope all of your factories continue to grow!
