Got guilted into going to church

I am 31F. You would think by now that I could stick up for myself. When it comes to family and the church that’s not always the case.

To backtrack, I have been PIMO for the last 3 years. None of my extended family or kids have known that. We would go, I had a calling, but I really wasn’t into it. Two months ago, my spouse and I had moved. We took this as an opportunity to really have a discussion with each other and decided that we both wanted to leave the Church.

We didn’t discuss this decision with our children yet (10, 8, 6 year olds), and just hoped (which was a fault of mine) that they would accept the fact that we have been sick, got up late, GC, etc. as reasons that we weren’t going. They didn’t even care that we weren’t attending until Friday.

My mom takes the kids on Friday after school for a bit and I get a text from her saying that my 10yo ran into a friend from our old ward, and said how much she missed church and wants us to go again.

Well, I talked to my 10yo only to find out that she didn’t run into anyone, and my mom flat out asked if we were going to church. My 10yo has guilt when she feels like she is doing something wrong (a teacher told her that she was in Satan’s grasp because we didn’t go to church during a health issue) so she begged me all Saturday to go. This is the first time in a while she really freaked out about not going.

So we went yesterday. We had our records moved over and the kids are all excited about the friends they made and can’t wait to go again next week.

I know I should have out my foot down but I really don’t want to have that conversation with extended family yet or cause my kids anxiety because they are worried about us “not going to the celestial kingdom”. How can I bring up this conversation with my kids of not believing and not wanting to go? Especially with my child who has high anxiety after what her teacher told her?

TL;DR: My mom butted in and asked my oldest with anxiety if we have been going to church. My oldest got guilted into wanting to go, which guilted me into going. How do I have these conversations with my kids?