The rot will not stop until YOU do something.
One thing I keep seeing throughout Reddit is this idea that as soon as people begin facing actual adversity they will turn on Trump. This has some truth, but it begs a critical question. What is your breaking point in this? When will you be out in the streets willing to cause mayhem to bring down this regime? In the scope of this post, it’s more a rhetorical question, but it’s something that you should deeply consider.
As it currently stands, transgender people are being absolutely terrorized. I have literally sought out a new doctor and claimed to be a cisgender woman with no ovaries get a supply of HRT. Even before the election I got pushed out of teaching for stating that queer people were victims of the holocaust and subsequently getting bomb threats.
Immigrants and Indigenous people are being terrorized throughout the country. ICE literally meets the criteria of a child trafficking organization since the kids they kidnap are regularly separated from their parents and purposefully adopted out to different people.
I understand that well over 90% of the people in the U.S. are not transgender, have citizenship here, and are not Indigenous. Therefore, these issues don’t impact the majority of people. The thing you all have to remember is that virtually nothing affects the majority of people. A nationwide abortion ban will only affect people who need abortions. Obviously in a broad sense it will affect anyone who can give birth, but do not underestimate how easy it is to be complacent about that sort of issue when it is not currently affecting you.
Trump could totally fumble the next disaster relief effort in a red state and that still would only impact a small group of people. Even the ever rising cost of things will only particularly impact poor people. Tariffs could cause massive supply chain disruptions and most Americans would just accept the Ersatz (replacement) Goods the Trump administration suggested. People will eat their cocoa seed shell and peppercorn milk chocolate. They’ll drink their acorn coffee, and they’ll smear their alfalfa bread with curdled milk instead of butter. We’ll all keep saying that we’ll have had enough any time, but we never will do anything. That’s how dictatorships are born.
I’m not saying everyone has to go out in the streets and protest tomorrow, but please think about this and decide what your limits are. Once you have made that decision stand by it and be prepared for whatever happens.