Made it 28 days and here are my thoughts

Stopped drinking because thankfully health reasons made me. Now those are tamed for the moment and I decided to test alcohol today.. I said I’d ease into it and absolutely did not.

Here are some notes I’ve taken throughout the day after 4 weeks of feeling great not drinking:

First day drinking 2/02:

  • Drank far less water
  • much more tired
  • Increased appetite
  • less motivation
  • Desire to drink more quickly returned
  • Increased anxiety
  • Unnecessey jealousy
  • listening to more music
  • Less tv
  • Thoughts of dread/future not experienced recently
  • Noticeable stumbling
  • Noticeable slurring
  • isolation latter half of day/not responding to messages I normally would have/disconnect from people I love

I’ve been enjoying NA beers/mocktails this month, so I’m not sure why I did this or why it escalated so much, but here I am