Would you recommend data engineering as a career for 2025?
For some context, I'm a data analyst with about 1.5 YOE in the healthcare industry. I enjoy my job a lot, but it is definitely becoming monotonous in terms of the analysis and dashboarding duties. I know that data engineering is a good next step for many analysts, and it seems like it might be the best option given a lot of other paths in the world of data.
Initially, I was interested in data science. However, I think with the massive influx of interest in that area, the sheer number of applicants with graduate degrees compared to my bachelors in biology, and the necessity of more DEs as the DS pool grows, I figured data engineering would be more my speed.
I also enjoy coding and the problem solving element of my current role, but am not too keen on math / stats. I also enjoy constant learning and building things. Given all of that, and paired with the fact that these roles can have relatively high salaries for 40ish hours of work a week (with many roles that are remote) it seems like a pretty sweet next step.
However, I do see a lot of people on this sub especially concerned with the growth and trajectory of their current DE gigs. I know many people say SWEs have a lot more variability in where they can grow and mold their careers, and am just wondering if there are other avenues adjacent to DE that people may recommend.
So, do you enjoy your work as a data engineer? Would you recommend it to others?