What are some little things you can do that greatly boost your confidence?
- Brush twice a day before sleeping and after breakfast. It helps you to breath fresh and clean. You can talk with someone while being close to them which is a sign of confidence.
- Wear clean and pressed clothes, it'll help you in standing out from crowd.
- Bathing regularly will give you a sense of control over your life, you won't feel messy, which in turn will boost your confidence.
- Maintain a habit of healthy eye contact.
- Stay straight while walking, walk gracefully.
- Sit upright without closed body language.
- Use mild perfume.
- Moderate exercise will give you sense of confidence regardless of your body type (fat, slim or skinny)
- Meditation will give you control over your thoughts which improves your command over your words resulting in better confidence.
- Last but not least smile more.