I am so unburdened by gear this time around - great PvP changes

I used to be so upset about losing out on gear in this game (Anniversary realms) before I started grinding PvP ranks. With no decay, it's really quite easy to rank up so long as you play alot. Rank 10 gear is better than Molten Core gear, and rank 12 gear in future phases, and rank 14 weapons beyond that are far better than raid variants.

I've found myself enjoying raids so much more knowing that I don't need any of the gear that is contained within. I do it for fun, with the chance of some cool loot which i really don't need to complete the content.

Ever since i left my trash original guild who gave loot to their friends via loot council, i've really hit zen mode in regards to raiding. As long as i keep up my honor, i can get superior gear to raiding and just raid for fun. I still soft res loot in my current raid group, but it's so liberating knowing I don't actually need that loot. I attribute this mindset entirely to the pvp changes in these anniversary realms. No decay.

My general statement in this post is please, consider ranking if you aren't already. AV is great honor, and the gear you get from rank 10, 12, and 14 is superior to raids. Don't stress yourself out over MC loot. You have something to work towards, and have great gear guaranteed once you rank up. Gquit your Loot Council guild and join a SR guild and enjoy yourselves.

Anyways, enjoy your weekend. Fuck the chiefs (lol).