CMV: Asian men’s negative feelings toward Asian woman-White man relationships are valid

Here is the problem:

Asian men are showing a lot of resentment toward Asian woman-White man relationships on social media and in real life. This may be due to the extreme frequency of this pairing and the emasculation felt by Asian men, whose own race of women are so commonly choosing other races of men over their own.

Asian men are sending targeted messages like “Oxford Study” which has become a slogan against these kinds of relationships, specifically ones in which a “10/10 Asian girl” is dating a “mid white guy”. It refers to a study that investigated whether the portrayal of Asian woman being disproportionately attracted to White men in TV ads and historical films carries any truth, and it concluded that it was true in many ways.

Here are some statistics:

  1. Asian women have the highest rate of interracial marriage among all genders in all racial groups (at 29% in 2017). I’m inclined to believe rates of interracial dating are even more extreme.

  2. Asian women rated White men as the race they preferred to date in 2009, although that trend ended in 2014 with White men being second to Asian men. However, the margin of difference was quite small in 2014, significantly smaller than the race premiums given by woman of other races to men of their own race (black, white, latino).

I’m curious to hear what you guys think about this topic. I want to see if my mind can be changed. My male Asian friends and I do feel some type of way when we see the ubiquitous Asian woman-White man pairing. Though not to the same degree as some of these social media trolls.

My first thought is the bias toward White attractiveness that is present in American media that women of all races have grown up with. I mean, who grew up watching an Asian male lead in film or TV as a kid? Probably very few of us.



Edit: Thanks for your thoughtful responses. However, I don’t like that I’m being attacked for being an incel or jealous or whatever. I have a girlfriend and have not had problems romantically.

I made this post primarily out of curiosity about this interesting statistical phenomenon. I was looking for a more informed, academic discussion but I don’t think I’ll find that here. Probably the wrong subreddit because my “view” is not really a strong view at all. If this post gets removed for not being a real “view”, I understand.