What Vault Hunter should I choose?

I chose Zane to start with since he seemed the closest to Timothy's kit from TPS, and I finished with mostly leaning into the digi-clone and shoulder cannon tree while barely touching the SNTNL drone and not touching the Barrier. I was thinking of going Moze, but after asking one of my friends about their playthrough with her it seemed like a lot of getting up and down and I don't think I have the confidence for that constantly- Fl4k was my next choice as he has a lot of self revive in his actions, but I am not proficient with his preferred guns, nor do I have the patience to learn them well. The reason why I haven't mentioned Amara whatsoever is because I haven't been satisfied with the siren characters, mostly Maya and her psylock in BL2, and from what I have seen of Amara's trees it's a good bit of the previous characters. In total: BL1 i played mostly Brick and Roland for how up close their gameplay is. BL2 I started with Krieg and really enjoyed him, and then changed to axton and wasn't very impressed. TPS I played as Timothy's class the most, then Switched to Claptrap and enjoyed the chaos for awhile. All in all, I'm an in decisive person and need help on chosing my next class for this Dear game, thank you!