did anyone’s constant brown post-iud discharge go away?

I got kyleena iud 2 months ago. in that time, I have “bled” every single day. I get normal periods with red blood, and in between those, I get the dark brown discharge that many people have discussed on this page. every day. I’m so sick of constantly needing to wear a pad.

my question is - has ANYONE had this symptom go away?? I looked it up and all I can find are stories of people who have been dealing with this for months/years. please tell me whether there is light at the end of the tunnel? this is such a dealbreaker for me that if it doesn’t go away in the next few months, I will absolutely remove it to get rid of the discharge

disclaimer: yes, I know “irregular bleeding” is liable to happen for the first six months. I know. my question is - has that actually been the case for anyone, that it goes away after 3-6 months?

EDIT OVER A YEAR LATER: it eventually stopped for me! it still happens occasionally (caffeine seems to trigger it?) but it’s nowhere near the levels of a year ago. if anyone finds this post in the future, there’s hope! even if it takes over six months to go away