Boyfriend wants sex

I’ve had sex plenty of times and it has ranged from being traumatising, thoroughly unpleasant, or indifference. This is my first serious relationship so there has been no pressure to put out.

I did stuff early on, but I’ve gotten more and more comfortable not doing anything. My boyfriend isn’t feeling the same and I can tell. He always touches me and I always try and move his hands/pull away. It makes me uncomfortable in a physical sense, but not in a way where I feel violated if that makes sense.

He has mentioned how we haven’t had sex a lot lately, and I feel bad. I’m taking supplements to try and up my libido (I don’t have one), so hoping that works.

Being asexual has always put me in a weird, frustrating, and upsetting place. I always feel broken. I want to like sex like everyone else (I’m aware asexuality ≠ inherent hatred of sex), but I just don’t. I’m happy to fantasise, read smut, and masturbate (mainly to get to sleep), but anything involving another person physically and my body instantly repels it.

In the grand scheme of things it’s not the end of the world, but I didn’t anticipate how tiresome this would be. In truth, I really don’t want him to touch me, but that’s not fair on him. I knew he’d want this when I got with him, so it’s my own fault. I also don’t want to break up as I want to be with him and this would be a problem regardless of who I was in a relationship with.

Unlike other sexualities, I wish I could feel a sense of pride in who I am. Instead, I just feel abnormal and like I need fixing opposed to this just being part of my identity. It also doesn’t help that almost everyone I tell this to makes me feel this way. I also question whether I even am ace. Am I traumatised? Do I have a disorder? I don’t even know anymore.

Edit: Thank you to everyone for the kind words and support. Sadly, I understand that I’m going to have to really evaluate the situation and make a decision which is fair to both of us.