Ghosted after extending a job offer

I am a college student that was looking for a job that would pay more in my area. My current Job was nice and convenient but I was looking to move to something different.

On June 8th I submitted an application for a bilingual sales associate for Cox Communication. After about a week I got a response that reached out for an initial phone interview that I passed with what I thought were flying colors. About a week later, I went in for the in person interview. It went well and again there was no indication that I was doing anything wrong and was told they would reach out in a couple days for an answer if I got the job or not. I communicated I would be out of town for a week and they said it was no problem. 2 weeks passed and the manager finally reached back out apologizing for the delay stating they were busy and had other interviews. During the 2 weeks i called and asked for the manager wanting a response since they had said a couple days. I was getting worried I was not gonna get the job but he did extend the job offer to me which I accepted. He said great and that he just needed my college schedule for the upcoming semester and he would get paperwork started. I sent it in the email provided and then.. nothing. For a bout a week and a half there was no communication until I automated email stating I was not selected to move forward with the next step of the process. I called multiple time and received nothing. I sent emails to the manager and nothing.

Did I do something wrong? Nothing was ever in writing regarding the extension of the job offer form their part so I do not have actual proof besides that phone call.

For context: The manager knew about my schedule before hand, he just wanted a copy of it. He also stated it was not going to be a problem. My goal was to have this job full time in the summer and then transition to part-time during the school year which he also agreed was a good idea.