Fans of Your Name, why are you fans?

After falling in love with Weathering With You, I immediately wanted to watch every other Makoto Shinkai movie that there was. And I figured, what better way to start than with the movie everyone talks about? So when looking into where I could rent Your Name, I realized that there was a deal going on on Prime where if cost as much to rent it as it is to own it, so I thought, "Hell yeah! This is a great deal for something so impactful! Now I'm even more excited!,"...only to find I wasn't that big a fan of it. Maybe I put my expectations too high? I probably did. Even for movies I don't have high expectations for, I'll end up not liking a movie if it turns out different than I think it'll turn out (e.g expecting high-paced action when it was actually a slow burn). But whatever, I didn't wanna watch it again really. Over a year later I get with my current girlfriend who is also interested to watch more from Shinkai since she watched Weathering With You, so I decided to show her Your Name. I stressed that I wasn't a fan of it, but I believed it was still necessary to watch since it's so well-loved. So we watched it and, surprisingly, she didn't like it much, either. I liked it a little more from last time, but not by much. It made me start to wonder why something that not only I didn't like, but my girlfriend, who likes almost everything I show her, didn't like it either, was liked by so many people. And after a while of procrastinating, I'm finally here to ask what I'd been meaning to ask: fans of Your Name, why do you like it?