I Don't Know If I Should Go Into Animation

I seriously do not know what to do, college is right around the corner and I still can't decide. I've loved animation so much for as long as I can remember, and started making little animated videos when I was like 9. I love everything about animation. It's genuinely the most interesting thing in the world to me and my biggest dream is to work on a cartoon that people will love. PLEASE don't take this the wrong way- but I'm not sure there will be enough money in it and I'm afraid ill struggle. Please tell me if I'm wrong!!! Ive also heard horror stories about the industry lately. People are getting fired and put under worse time constraints and even ai is scary. If I want, I can go to college to become a lawyer. Law is OK but I don't feel the same way about it as I do about animation. I'm afraid ill waste my life and be unhappy in either thing I pick- being an animator and not making as much money as a lawyer or even getting fired due to budget cuts,, or being a lawyer and living a boring life without fulfilling what ive wanted since I was a little girl. Is there a way I could do both???? PLEASE help me!! Im sorry if i sounded rude at all in this post- animators are literally my idols. I need some advice!