Favourite Shen Gong Wu

What’s everyone’s top 3 favourite Shen Gong Wu they would want to own?? In the modern world, not in XS. Mine are:

  1. Golden Tiger Claws - obvious, being able to teleport wherever you want at any time
  2. Shroud of Shadows - so many uses - sneaking around, able to go about your day without being seen, lots of options with this one
  3. Moby Morpher - imagine just being what you wanted whenever you wanted, I would constantly try out being different animals etc! Could cause a lot of chaos with this also

Runners up would be - monkey staff (how fun!!) - mind reader conch and crystal glasses would be cool but hesitant of knowing others thoughts and reading too much into the future. - Same with sands of time - a dangerous game. - shard of lightning handy for getting things done - mantis flip coin would be so fun to use - tongue of saiping , would love to talk to my pets