What faction/team is the most fun to play AND has the most overlap with typical dungeons and dragons NPCs?
Hey guys
I haven’t played warcry, but I play a lot of Kill Team. One “problem” I have is I can’t get any extra use out of the minis I put so much work into; there’s just nowhere it makes sense in a typical DnD world for a goblin to have a sniper rifle or a space marine, you know?
Since I would be the first in my play group to get into warcry, what faction or team should I pick up that will be the most FUN for not only me but my opponents to play, and has a big overlap with dungeons and dragons? It would be great if I could play against my friends and make them not hate warcry and then turn around and use some cool knights as enemies.
Right now I have a 10-man box of chaos knights, but I don’t know if they’re any good or any fun in war cry.