A warning about Grotta Island in Reykjavik (learn from my mistakes)

Those familiar with Grotta will probably already know what my post is about - there’s really only one thing it could be.

I also want to preface this by saying everything is 20/20 in hindsight and while I have no doubt some people will heckle me for being unprepared and an idiot, I’m sure those same hecklers have made similar errors in their life at some point as well. I prepare well for almost everything I do and I got caught out here.

Edit 1: also want to add, I didn’t actually look properly while starting the walk back from the island - my gf had already gone ahead without me while I took pictures and was probably 30% over already so I just got on the rocks and went for it. If I’d really paid attention I might’ve stayed put on the island, which was 100% safer than attempting to cross in a rising tide.

With that said,

Today was my first full day in Iceland and spent it in and around the city. I managed to make a foolish decision which was part my fault and part bad luck.

I saw the Grotta Island lighthouse on google maps and it had some nice reviews and pictures so made my way there.

For those that don’t know there’s a small spit of sand separating the mainland and the lighthouse, it has large rocks adjoined to the sand.

There were other people, even kids, heading over - the water was close to the rocks but probably about 1m away, in other places you needed to climb on them to stay dry.

It being my first time here, I figured this was normal and didn’t realise there are tidal patterns at play - and that this was about 40% toward high tide which was due in around 2hrs.

We reached the lighthouse, stayed for about 30min just relaxing and looking out to sea.

On the way back, water seemed a bit higher but nothing crazy - it was only until we got to the middle that we realised we had been entirely climbing on the rocks the entire way which we didn’t have to before (we are tired from a long flight so this didn’t immediately hit us). By the time we realise that, the water seemed to be rising more and more every second.

It dawned on us that if we didn’t get to mainland immediately we would be stuck at Grotta island and would probably have to call emergency services - by this time the rocks were being drenched by the lapping waves making them incredibly slippery (not to mention they were already jagged).

I slipped in total 4 times, smashed up my shin, knee, ankle and wrist, and fell into hip-deep water on those occasions. I was wearing waterproof gear but it obviously isn’t for swimming in so was drenched through. My gf being smaller and a bit more nimble managed to escape mostly unscathed:

I saw onlookers watching us struggle on the mainland beach and they seemed totally at ease with watching 2 people climb rapidly over rocks in a rising sea - slightly odd.

We eventually made it back, in pain but ok at least.

Thinking back it might have even been a better idea to stay on the island and give the coast guard or whoever a call but as I said we only noticed the rising water half way across so it was either being further from land and getting swept away or the opposite.

After we reached land the water had risen probably another 80cm and only the tip of the rocks were visible (you can’t stand on them).

There were no warning signs (that I saw) on the island alerting you of the dangerous tide. Now - when I search about going to grotta online - it’s mentioned everywhere you need to be aware of the tide. I didn’t see this before I went. They absolutely need a very visible sign for people who are just roaming the city and stumble upon it, or see it on the maps and head there impulsively.

Was I stupid for going to the island and not noticing that I could be stranded there - maybe? It’s true I hadn’t researched the tide times but when you see families with kids walking out, there was even a jogger - who left the lighthouse literally 10min before we did, one would presume it’s reasonably safe.

What’s even more frustrating is that I have an entire 2 weeks of hiking planned - and I’ve seemingly injured myself in more than one place on the very first day. All I can hope is that I recover enough to somewhat enjoy the trip.

I hope others will check the tide times before visiting the lighthouse, if they want to go. It is very pretty.


-almost got stranded at Grotta Island lighthouse because I didn’t check tidal times and didn’t know the path would become submerged