I think I‘m gonna start focusing on my health and what I want
I know the title sounds absolutely insane. Who wouldn’t focus on their health and listen to their body? Me apparently. Ever since I was young, my parents had strict food rules. This included when I was allowed to eat (only at dinner times, although there were no consequences when I ate outside of those times apart from them being unpleased) and specific foods I was meant to eat (e.g. fruit in the mornings). I know this isn‘t very dramatic. The problems started when I slowly realized I couldn‘t eat certain foods anymore. This included milk (but not milk products) and most meats. For two weeks, I was restricting most foods entirely. I starved myself etc, specifically regarding meat as my parents didn‘t give two shits that basically every type of meat made me extremely sick. We still ate meat almost on the daily. And my parents didn‘t even really notice I had some disordered eating patterns. To this day they don‘t know this happened, for some reason (I believe my father noticed how little I was eating) they started trying out some alternatives and let me cook vegan food. This phase is over now, my mother ignores it again and about an hour ago my mother made another dinner item that made me sick not even five minutes after eating it. The past few weeks I‘ve been trying to just eat what my body wants. I eat what I want and if I don’t want to eat something then I usually don‘t. This is definitely a big step because I was often forced to eat things I didn’t want to eat. I know this is probably the most bizarre post ever, most people probably don’t understand but I just needed to get this off my chest. I started a list with things I should buy to make things easier (e.g. lollipops bc they make me feel better when I ate something I shouldn‘t have). It‘s like my parents had control of me until recently and I‘m finally at least recognizing I‘m my own person