Lights for when the power goes out
I searched the sub and found this was posted recently and don't want to take away from what was discussed here as there were great suggestions
There's two, well 3 ways I'm coming at this: 1. Lights go out at home for a short period 2. Lights go out at home for an extended period 3. Grid down or we need to leave
I feel like I have #1 covered.
I've got good flashlights in different sizes around the home, a small stock of multiple sized batteries, couple of headlights etc.
I'm looking into solar rechargeable in case it's an extended outage and I'm not finding ones that truly solar charges back to full capacity - any tried and true here? Bonus for compact and solve grid down / mobile.
I'm looking for hurricane lamps as a back up to solar / battery. I want the bigger ones and preferably old ones and keep a look out at second stores - all metal, no plastic and they hold a lot of oil - I'd like to have at least one of these on each floor as a start. These are hard to find - has anyone purchased newer ones they like?
The third scenario of having to leave is the rub. Light, solar rechargeable - anyone put thoughts into this?
Anything else to consider? Multi-purpose of light vs heat vs cooking when it comes to oil powered?
Thanks a bunch.