Chance Me for these schools

Hello all,

I'm currently a sophomore at the Ohio State University. I'm looking to transfer into some top business schools and wanted to see my chances. In high school, I had a 3.3 UW GPA. My grades were low due to undiagnosed ADHD. I was able to turn my GPA around in college and currently have 3.7 GPA and am in the university honors program. I'm a finance major looking to switch into econ if school doesn't offer or allow it.

Extracurriculars (Not ranked in matter of importance)

  • Director of Marketing for a South Asian Mental Health Organization
  • Senior Analyst and Team Coordinator for a M&A and markets Newsletter
  • Placed individually and team in an inter-collegiate chess tournament (I actually placed lower in terms of tie-breaks but not sure if this matters)
  • Became a chess director and host tournaments for students to make competitive tournaments more accessible (closest tournaments now are around 2hrs away)
  • Member of a non-profit that empowers small businesses with financial solutions that don't have access to the necessary resources
  • Team lead for the Financials group of student-investment fund where we create pitchbooks and provide personal insights on stocks that are buy/sell

Colleges (In terms of ranking)

  1. UPenn (CAS since Wharton isn't allowed for Junior year transfers)
  2. Georgetown
  3. Northwestern
  4. NYU
  5. UMich
  6. UChicago
  7. Maybe Vanderbilt