Tics that started at late 16's / early 17's?

I have been dealing with tics for the past 1-2 years (I'm currently 18) and I'm not exactly sure why, previous to this I have never had tics and the only thing that I can think might have had something to do with it is that a few months before the start of tics I had a seizing episode (the only one I have ever have which was due to a one episode thing, I will leave the details out for personal reasons but I'm good now in relation to that) I have autism which I know can cause tics but for what I have read these start in childhood so I'm kind of clueless I tried to tell my psychiatrist about it but she said it was probably just stress which I'm not completely sure about because though stressful situations can make them worse they still happen randomly and daily (I don't know exactly how much but at least 3-4 "episodes" per day, I say episodes because they come in rounds. Also I'm from Spain so my psychiatrist is from public health which is not great)

Most of the time they only affect my shoulders, neck and head though sometimes they also affect my arms and hands or make my body practically vibrate like if I was being electrocuted (I have noticed that when this happens my eyes tend to "roll back" though only for a few seconds and I'm still conscious at every moment)

I'm not sure what it could be or what should I do because though they aren't excessively annoying for most of the part I can't help but worry, any advice would be greatly appreciated honestly because I'm very lost